Domestic Dog

Dogs were probably the first tame animals.

African Wild Dog

The African wild dog, also called Cape hunting dog or painted dog, typically roams the open plains and sparse woodlands of sub-Saharan Afri...


Dingoes, though generally associated with Australia, likely originated from Southeast Asia and were introduced to Australia about 3,000 yea...

Thứ Bảy, 3 tháng 12, 2016

How flowering plants reproduce

How flowering plants reproduce? Keep following to get more amazing information about the answer

Plants and flowers reproduce in two distinct ways, either through the process of pollination, in which the genetic material of two plants are combined to create an offspring, or through asexual reproduction, in which one plant makes an exact genetic copy of itself. Flowering plants reproduce almost exclusively through pollination, while other types of plants may reproduce by either method depending on the plant's reproductive system. Check out my list of fun, weird and just plain amazing fact of life I have found.

According to Biology Reference, flowering plants have a number of different methods for sharing their genetic material. Some release pollen into the air and allow the wind or water to carry it to other plants, while some rely on bees and other nectar-drinking animals to transmit pollen. All flowers have both male and female reproductive organs. Pollen is produced by the flower in the anthers and incubated into new flowers in the ovule. How much do you know about tiger facts for kids ?

Image result for flowers

Plants that reproduce asexually have two different methods at their disposal. Some plants create buds that later develop into new plants that have the same genetic code as the parent plant. This method is common amongst edible plants such as vegetables. Other plants reproduce through apomixis, a process by which seeds are generated without the introduction of another plant's genetic material. Many types of grass reproduce this way. Take a quick look at funny pictures with captions that can help you reduce stress quickly.

Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 11, 2016

Magnets facts you should know

Here are some of the most interesting Magnets facts you should know

  • Magnets are objects that produce an area of magnetic force called a magnetic field.
  • Magnetic fields by themselves are invisible to the human eye.
  • Iron filings can be used to show magnetic fields created by magnets (such as in the picture to the right).
  • Magnets only attract certain types of metals, other materials such as glass, plastic and wood aren't attracted. That might be one of the most awesome random facts ever.
  • Metals such as iron, nickel and cobalt are attracted to magnets.
  • Most metals however are not attracted to magnets, these include copper, silver, gold, magnesium, platinum, aluminium and more. They may, however, magnetize a small amount while placed in a magnetic field. How much do you know about tiger facts for kids? Let’s check.
  • Magnetism can attract magnetic objects or push them away. Magnets have a magnetic north pole and a magnetic south pole. If the same pole of two magnets are placed near each other they will push away (repel), while if different poles are placed near each other they will pull together (attract).
  • Magnetic objects must be inside the magnetic field to respond, which is why you may have to move a magnet closer for it to have an effect.

  • The Earth's core is believed to be a mix (alloy) of iron and nickel, giving the Earth its own magnetic field.
  • The Earth's magnetic field is responsible for deflecting the solar wind, charged particles that come from the Sun.
  • Magnetic compasses use the Earth's magnetic field to help navigate in north, south, east and west directions. Learn more about amazing science facts via our articles.
  • Electromagnets are created by an electric current running through a surrounding coil. They have many uses including the generation of electricity in hydroelectric dams.

Thứ Hai, 21 tháng 11, 2016

Porpoises facts you may have never heard of

Right here in this article, you can learn about all your favourite mamals, and even some you may have never heard of Porpoises

  • Porpoises are among the smallest aquatic mammals. Check out my list of fun, weird and just plain amazing fact of life I have found.
  • They are related to dolphins and whales and belong to the same order, Cetacea.
  • They are very similar looking to the dolphin. However, the way to distinguish them generally is from: their smaller size; they have a rounder body shape and they lack the ‘beak’ of the better known dolphins.
  • There are six species of porpoise.
  • Different types of porpoises include the Common or Harbour porpoise, which is dark coloured on back and white underside, for camouflage in coastal waters and is similar to the Californian porpoise; Dall’s porpoise, which has a slightly more muscular body, they are jet black on back with white patches on the belly and flanks; Burmeister’s porpoise, which is dark overall, the Dorsall (back) fin has a sharp point with ‘teeth’ on its leading edge; Finless porpoise, which are grey overall, except for paler throat and face, they have a rounded, blunt head and no dorsal fin; the Spectacled porpoise, which is blue-black on back and white on sides and under-parts, they have a rim around their eyes which resemble spectacles. That might be one of the most awesome interesting facts ever.
  • Porpoises are thought to have emerged as a group of aquatic mammals about 15 million years ago, when they were confined to the north of the Pacific Basin. From these beginnings they slowly evolved into the total of six species of porpoise alive today.
  • They are sociable creatures and are often found in groups of 2-20, but usually about 4.
  • They are sexually mature by the age of 4-7 years, according to the species. mating season is summer in the northern hemisphere. Gestation is 11-12 months and they have 1 young.
  • Young calfs are born half the length of the female and has to be brought to the surface immediately to take its first breath. The female often swims on her side as she suckles her young calf. In this way they reach the water’s surface to breathe at the same time. This only happens in the first few days after birth, and soon the calf surfaces independently and dives to resume feeding. The young often remain with its mothers after being weaned.
  • The Dall’s porpoise is known to be the fastest of all the porpoises. It powers through the water at speeds of 20-30km/h. It is also famous for its ‘rooster’ spray – a stream of water that arcs up over the head as it reaches the water’s surface. They are the most sociable and are attracted to moving ships.
Image result for Porpoise
  • The Finless porpoise, as its name suggests, has no dorsal fin. The females have been known to carry her single young, or calf, on her back as on a saddle.
  • Porpoises have between 60-120 teeth which are flattened into a spade shape at the tip.
  • The common porpoise makes a distinctive, explosive noise as it comes to the surface to exhale.  It has also been called a ‘puffin pig.
  • Similar to the dolphin, the porpoise have a wide repertoire of communication calls, including ‘clicks’ used for echo-location. That might be one of the most awesome animals facts you had no idea before.
  • Their greatest threat to population is fishing nets and pollution. Some species are thought to be declining as a result. 
  • Another hazard of inhabiting coastal waters for the common porpoise is that it can get stranded on beaches.

Thứ Tư, 16 tháng 11, 2016

Top 9 awesome facts on Moose

This writing is so amazing. I just wanna all of you can enjoy top 9 awesome facts on Moose . Keep seeing to enjoy!


Moose are the largest members of the deer family, weighing as much as 1200 pounds; they can grow to be 5 to 6.5 feet from hooves to shoulders. This does not include a raised head or antlers, so it's safe to say that the majority of moose tower over all non-basketball players. 
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With huge size comes a huge appetite. Moose are browsers and will casually devour 73 pounds a day in the summer and 34 pounds in the winter. They eat an assortment of shrubs, woody plants, and aquatic vegetation; in the winter, their diet is more restricted, so they eat the buds of plants.


Moose are formidable opponents with sharp hooves that can kick with tremendous force, but even they have predators. A pack of wolves or a black bear is no match for a healthy adult moose, so bears and wolves typically pick off the young, sick, and old. And even though moose are powerful and quite large, a single bite can do one in: There's a good chance the bite will cause an infection that eventually kills the animal up to two weeks later. 

Moose also have a much smaller menace to worry about: parasites. Brain worm (Parelaphostrongylus tenuis) is a parasite contracted from eating snails. The infectious larvae migrate to the moose's brain and cause neurological damage. "It’s interesting thinking of something as big as a human hair killing a 1200 pound moose, but they do," Carstensen says. 

Another tiny nuisance is the winter tick. Tick infestations depend on the weather and habitat: Harsh winters mean less ticks the following year; when ticks fall off animals to complete their cycle and there's still snow on the ground, they die. So hard, long winters are great news for moose. 


When fighting off predators, the antlers, or paddles, don't come into play as much as you would think; a moose's first line of defense is its sharp hooves, which are capable of mortally wounding a wolf or bear.

Paddles are only found on males, and used mainly for fighting and displaying. During mating season in autumn, bulls will cover a lot of ground looking for females to mate with. They establish breeding territory by fighting off other males in the area. The fights are not always fight-to-the-death scenarios, and often a competing moose will back away from a fight if the challenger has a more impressive rack of antlers. Great paddles are not the only way to find mates; some males with better navigational skills—or just sheer luck—may come across a female by chance and completely skip antler combat. 


Moose lose their paddles every winter and grow new ones the following spring. "Antler growth is based on testosterone levels and day length," Carstensen says. "So they start to grow those antlers in the late spring and summer, and they’re covered in velvet. The velvet is vascularized so there is a blood-flow supplying these antlers as they’re growing." By early fall—a.k.a. mating season—bulls start to shed and shine their paddles by rubbing them against trees. Their fuzzy velvet-covered antlers go through a gory transformation, and by October they will have shiny new paddles for competition and display. 

Antlers are also a great indicator of age. With each winter, young moose paddles grow in size: nubs become spikes and spikes become full racks. Bulls in their prime, between ages 5 and 8, have the largest racks. With old age, the antlers become more deformed and less impressive. 


Just like the moose themselves, antlers can come in different sizes. The paddles are essentially a big bone, so they generally weigh quite a bit; bulls develop muscular necks to help hold up the enormous paddles. A full grown moose's antlers can weigh about 40 pounds. Anyway, this may be one of the most fascinating animal facts until now.


Female moose, or cows, generally have 1 to 2 calves in May. On average, the calves weigh about 30 pounds at birth and grow very quickly. Still, baby moose don't have the ability to run or protect themselves very well, so the mother stays with her offspring for a year and a half, fighting off wolves and bears that try to pick off the young calves.


Moose are naturally gifted swimmers. It's common to see one hop right into a lake and swim across at up to 6 mph. The animals have an innate ability to know how to swim, so even calves can swim. 


Moose can be categorized into four different species in North America: the eastern moose (A. alces americana), the Shiras moose (A. alces shirasi), the Alaskan moose (A. alces gigas), and the northwestern moose (A. alces andersoni), which Carstensen works with in Minnesota. Moose can be distinguished by different sizes and antler shapes. The largest moose is the Alaskan moose (pictured above) that can stand at 7 feet tall with an antler span of 6 feet. 


Something is happening to all the moose in Minnesota. The state once had a flourishing moose population in the north that was hunted and doing quite well: In the mid-1980s, there were 2000 of the animals in the northwest, but that number dropped to less than 200 in just two decades. This prompted the state to do some research to prevent further drops in population. Unfortunately, the northeast is now facing similiar a problem; the moose population has dropped 50 percent since the mid-2000s.

Learn all valuable information you wanted about science facts via our articles.

Chủ Nhật, 13 tháng 11, 2016

How many facts did you know about Greater Bilby?

How many facts did you know about Greater Bilby?

Greater bilbies are commonly known as bilbies due to the lesser bilby now being extinct. They are marsupials found only in Australia and are also called rabbit-eared bandicoots. The Easter Bilby is an Australian alternative to the Easter Bunny.

Facts About Greater Bilby 
  • The greater bilby comes from the family of marsupials known as bandicoots. It is the largest among all the members of the family.
  • According to the AustralianNationalUniversity, the animal has derived its name from an aboriginal language ‘Yuwaalaraay’.
  • Its black coloured eyes, nearly 1 centimetre in diameter, do not make clear vision. Due to the poor vision, it solely relies on its strong sense of hearing and smell. The eyes are protected with the help of fine black eyelashes. This is one of the most interesting facts about Greater Bilby ever. 
  • Built of a greater bilby comprises of long pointed nose, large hairless ears, white underside, black tail with a white crest. Because of its large ears, it is also known as Rabbit-Eared Bandicoot.
  • The large ears of bilby aid in its effective hearing, as well as, strive to regulate its body temperature. They are also exceptionally manoeuvrable and can be rotated, made to stand flat against the body, positioned at right angles to the body and can even be folded in half.
  • The soft and silky fuzz of bilby is primarily of pale blue-grey colours, with white and cream coloured undersides and feet.
  • The stretched nose with hairless pink tip gives bilby an ability to smell sharply and smartly. You can witness many long, dark fuzz stick out from either side of the snout.
  • A bilby has long slim tongue and 48 teeth: 26 on upper jaw and 22 on lower.
  • It has slightly curved claws on the toes of its front feet. Whereas, on the feet of its hind legs, the second and third toes have slight joints with much larger fourth toe.
Image result for Greater Bilby
  • Its claws and front legs are very strong which help it dig for its food and make deep burrows. An expert in digging, a bilby can dig up to a dozen of burrows. These burrows are generally spiral and as much as 3 meters deep.
  • When a female bilby digs the soil, the dirt does not fill in its pouch as the pouch of a bilby opens in backward direction.
  • The weight of an adult male bilby can go up to 2.5 kg. The weight of adult female bilby on the other hand, is significantly less (sometimes half) than that of an adult male.
  • These are the nocturnal creatures that came out of their burrows nearly an hour after sunset and often go back in their burrows before first rays of the sun.
  • The tail of a bibly is divided into three distinct sections: in the begining for a few centimetres, the colour of the tail resemble blue-greyish colour of the body; the middle section of the tail is black coloured, and at the end the tail is white.
  • Bilby is a solitary animal, which prefers to roam alone. Although sometimes, bilbies are also seen in groups with at the most four members.
  • Given that there is sufficient rainfall and food is available to them, bilbies can breed throughout the year. Let’s discover some interesting science facts that will amaze you.
  • Having the smallest gestation period of all the mammals, greater bilbies breed one to three young bilbies in a litter.
  • Infant bilbies remain in the pouch of their mother for nearly 80 days. It takes further 2 weeks till they become independent.
  • Bilbies are the omnivorous creatures. Their food ranges from seeds, fruits, fungi to spiders, bulbs, small animals, insects and their larvae.
  • A greater bilby consumes significant amount of mud along with its food.
  • Bilbies do not drink water; rather, their food provides them with the requisite level of water to survive.
  • Previously, they were hunted by Australians for food and fur. Other than humans, today they are preyed by foxes and feral cats.
  • Before the European settlement, nearly 70% of the Australian Mainland had bilbies.
  • At present, they are mostly seen in the south-west Queenslandand secluded parts of Western Australiaand the Northern Territory.
  • The isolations of each of their colonies make them even more susceptible to diseases and inbreeding.
Are you bored? Let’s have a quick look at our funny images that are bound to bring smile on your face.

10 of the most interesting facts on Gibbon

Check out below 10 of the most interesting facts on Gibbon right here

Gibbon is a small ape. Its closest relatives are gorilla, chimpanzee, orangutan and bonobo. There are 15 species of gibbons that can be found in Southeast Asia (China, India, Burma, Malayan peninsula, Borneo…). Gibbon lives in dense jungles and tropical rainforests.

Gibbon facts
  1. Gibbons spend almost all of their time in the treetops of the rainforest. They even sleep there, resting in the forks of branches.
  2. Their dramatic form of locomotion, called brachiating, can move gibbons through the jungle at up to 35 miles (56 kilometers) an hour, bridging gaps as wide as 50 feet (15 metres) with a single swinging leap.
  3. Because they are not able to swim, different types of gibbons are isolated in different areas by large rivers.
  4. When gibbons walk, whether along branches or in the rare instances when they descend to the ground, they often do so on two feet, throwing their arms above their head for balance.
  5. They are the most bipedal of all non-human primates and are often studied for clues to what evolutionary pressures may have led to human walking.
  6. There are 15 recognized species of gibbons ranging from northeastern India to southern China to Borneo. Let’s discover some interesting science facts that will amaze you.
  7. Gibbons are omnivores (they eat both plants and animals). Their diet consists mainly of fruit, but they also eat different types of seed, shoots, flowers and insects.
  8. Gibbons live in family groups composed of breeding couple and their offspring. Gibbons are monogamous (one couple mate for life) and they form very strong bonds with family members. Grooming plays important role in their social life.
  9. Gibbons are territorial animals that usually live on a territory of 25 to 40 hectares. They fiercely defend their home.
  10. Gibbons are highly intelligent animals. They can recognize themselves in the mirror. Also, they are able to communicate via various songs. Songs usually last 10 to 30 minutes and both males and females perform them. Main purpose of the song is to announce presence of the group on a certain territory.
Are you bored? Let’s have a quick look at our funny images that are bound to bring smile on your face.

Thứ Năm, 10 tháng 11, 2016

Top cool facts you never knew about Cows

Check out our range of interesting facts about Cow for kids. Learn the world population of cattle, what young cows are called, what they eat and much more.

  1. In deep mud, cows can run faster than horses!
  2. A cow has one stomach with four compartments. The rumen, reticulum, omasum and the abomasum.
  3. Cow are ruminates meaning they can digest food that can normally not be digested.
  4. Like a human’s fingerprints, no two cow’s spots are exactly the same.
  5. A cow is pregnant for nine months. A calf is about 90 pounds when it is born.
  6. Cows have an excellent sense of smell. They can smell up to 5 miles away!
  7. Cattle are herbivores that eat vegetation such as grass.
  8. Cattle stomachs have four chambers which help break down what they eat
  9. There are well over 1 billion cattle in the world.
  10. Cattle are sacred in India.
  11. There are an estimated 300 million cattle in India.
  12. Young cattle are generally known as calves.
  13. Like many other grazing animals cattle have one stomach which is divided into four compartments or chambers: the rumen, reticulum, omasum and abomasum. This allows them to digest grain and grasses most effectively.
  14. Cattle have almost 360° panoramic vision. This helps them to see predators coming from any direction. Enjoy the best collection of animals facts on our site to widen your knowledge.
  15. Cattle have an excellent sense of smell. They can detect odours up to five miles away. They can also hear both low and high frequency sounds beyond human capability.
  16. The cow is a protected animal in Hinduism, and Hindus do not eat beef. Cows are honoured at least once a year, on Gopastami. On this day cows are washed and decorated in temples.
  17. Mahatma Ghandi described a cow as “a poem of compassion”, also stating that “I worship the cow and I shall defend its worship against the whole world”.
  18. The meat of cows is widely eaten by people across the world. Cows' milk is also drunk and used to make other products such as cheese. Many people who consume animal products would like to choose products from animals kept in higher welfare systems. However welfare labelling on products can be confusing. 
  19. Adult females are generally called cows.
  20. Adult males that are not castrated are generally called bulls.
  21. Cattle are red/green color blind.
  22. In the sometimes controversial sport of bull fighting, bulls are angered by the movement of the cape rather than its red color.
  23. Cattle are farmed for a number of agricultural products including meat and dairy products.
If you’re looking for the most interesting tigers facts, you’re at the right place. Let’s check out now.

Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 11, 2016

Nightmare Machine know what scares human

Keep reading for more interesting information about Nightmare Machine know what scares human

The idea of artificial intelligence (AI) — autonomous computers that can learn independently — makes some people extremely uneasy, regardless of what the computers in question might be doing.

Those individuals probably wouldn't find it reassuring to hear that a group of researchers is deliberately training computers to get better at scaring people witless.

The project, appropriately enough, is named "Nightmare Machine." Digital innovators in the U.S. and Australia partnered to create an algorithm that would enable a computer to understand what makes certain images frightening, and then use that data to transform any photo, no matter how harmless-looking, into the stuff of nightmares. [5 Intriguing Uses for Artificial Intelligence (That Aren't Killer Robots)

The idea of artificial intelligence (AI) — autonomous computers that can learn independently — makes some people extremely uneasy, regardless of what the computers in question might be doing.

Those individuals probably wouldn't find it reassuring to hear that a group of researchers is deliberately training computers to get better at scaring people witless.

The project, appropriately enough, is named "Nightmare Machine." Digital innovators in the U.S. and Australia partnered to create an algorithm that would enable a computer to understand what makes certain images frightening, and then use that data to transform any photo, no matter how harmless-looking, into the stuff of nightmares. [5 Intriguing Uses for Artificial Intelligence (That Aren't Killer Robots)]

Images created by Nightmare Machine are unsettling, to say the least. Iconic buildings from around the world appear eroded and distorted within shadowy settings or amid charred and smoldering landscapes, glimpsed through what appears to be murky, polluted water or toxic gas clouds.

Nightmare Machine's faces are equally disturbing. Some of the subjects are almost abstract, but subtle — creepy suggestions of hollow eyes, bloody shadows and decaying flesh still cause unease. Even the lovable Muppet Kermit the Frog emerges from the process as a zombie-like creature that would terrify toddlers — and adults, too.

The primary reason for building Nightmare Machine was to explore the common fear inspired by intelligent computers, its trio of designers told Live Science. They wanted to playfully confront the anxiety inspired by AI, and simultaneously test if a computer is capable of understanding and visualizing what makes people afraid.

"We know that AI terrifies us in the abstract sense," co-creator Pinar Yanardag, a postdoctoral researcher at MIT Media Lab in Massachusetts, wrote in an email. "But can AI scare us in the immediate, visceral sense?"

The designers used a form of artificial intelligence called "deep learning" — a system of data structures and programs mimicking the neural connections in a human brain — to teach a computer what makes for a frightening visual, according to co-creator Manuel Cebrian, a principal research scientist at CSIRO Data61 in Australia.

"Deep-learning algorithms perform remarkably well in several tasks considered difficult or impossible," Cebrian said. "Even though there is a lot of room for improvement, some of the faces already look remarkably creepy!"

Once deep-learning algorithms understood the visual elements that were commonly perceived as spooky, they applied those styles to images of buildings and human faces — with chilling results

"Elon Musk said that with the development of AI, we are 'summoning the demon,'" co-creator Iyad Rahwan, an associate professor at MIT Media Lab, told Live Science about science facts.

"We wanted to playfully explore whether and how AI can indeed become a demon, that can learn how to scare us, both by extracting features from scary images and subsequent refinement using crowd feedback," Rahwan said. He added that the timing of their spooky experiment — close to Halloween — was no accident. It may be one of the most awesome infor from factoflife we’ve enjoyed.

"Halloween has always been a time where people celebrate what scares them," he said, "so it seems like a perfect time for this particular hack." 

"Our research group's main goal is to understand the barriers between human and machine cooperation," Rahwan said. "Psychological perceptions of what makes humans tick and what makes machines tickare important barriers for such cooperation to emerge. This project tries to shed some light on that front — of course, in a goofy, hackerish Halloween manner!"

And if you're brave enough, Nightmare Machine could use your help to learn how to become even scarier.

The project's creators used deep-learning algorithms to generate frightening images of dozens of faces, tweaking the results to make them look even more disturbing. Nightmare Machine visitors can vote on these so-called "Haunted Faces," to help the algorithm "learn scariness," according to instructions on the website.

Teaching a computer to be more terrifying — what could possibly go wrong?
You might be like to see weird but true, crazy, fun, amazing facts, fact of life, fact of the day, and funny videos, video clips, joke of the day, images, photos.

Thứ Hai, 31 tháng 10, 2016

The most rare and amazing science facts from all over the world

Some of the most rare and amazing science facts from all over the world. Keep reading  to find out some facts about our amazing facts!

1. Polar bears are nearly undetectable by infrared cameras

Thermal cameras detect the heat lost by a subject as infrared, but polar bears are experts at conserving heat. The bears keep warm due to a thick layer of blubber under the skin. Add to this a dense fur coat and they can endure the chilliest Arctic day.

2. It takes 8 minutes, 19 seconds for light to travel from the Sun to the Earth

In space, light travels at 300,000 kilometres (186,000 miles) per second. Even at this breakneck speed, covering the 150 million odd kilometres (93 million miles) between us and the Sun takes a considerable time. And eight minutes is still very little compared to the five and a half hours it takes for the Sun’s light to reach Pluto. This is one of the most amazing facts ever.

3. If you took out all the empty space in our atoms, the human race could fit in the volume of a sugar cube

The atoms that make up the world around us seem solid, but are in fact over 99.99999 per cent empty space. An atom consists of a tiny, dense nucleus surrounded by a cloud of electrons, spread over a proportionately vast area. This is because as well as being particles, electrons act like waves. Electrons can only exist where the crests and troughs of these waves add up correctly. And instead of existing in one point, each electron’s location is spread over a range of probabilities – an orbital. They thus occupy a huge amount of space.

4. Stomach acid is strong enough to dissolve razor blades

Your stomach digests food thanks to highly corrosive hydrochloric acid with a pH of 2 to 3. This acid also attacks your stomach lining, which protects itself by secreting an alkali bicarbonate solution. The lining still needs to be replaced continually, and it entirely renews itself every four days.

5. The Earth is a giant magnet

Earth’s inner core is a sphere of solid iron, surrounded by liquid iron. Variations in temperature and density create currents in this iron, which in turn produce electrical currents. Lined up by the Earth’s spin, these currents combine to create a magnetic field, used by compass needles worldwide.

6. Venus is the only planet to spin clockwise

Our Solar System started off as a swirling cloud of dust and gas which eventually collapsed into a spinning disc with the Sun at its centre. Because of this common origin, all the planets move around the Sun in the same direction and on roughly the same plane. They also all spin in the same direction (counterclockwise if observed from ‘above’) – except Uranus and Venus. Uranus spins on its side, while Venus defiantly spins in the complete opposite direction. The most likely cause of these planetary oddballs are gigantic asteroids which knocked them off course in the distant past.

7. A flea can accelerate faster than the Space Shuttle

A jumping flea reaches dizzying heights of about eight centimetres (three inches) in a millisecond. Acceleration is the change in speed of an object over time, often measured in ‘g’s, with one g equal to the acceleration caused by gravity on Earth (9.8 metres/32.2 feet per square second). Fleas experience 100 g, while the Space Shuttle peaked at around 5 g. The flea’s secret is a stretchy rubber-like protein which allows it to store and release energy like a spring.

Check out for more cool, random, weird but true, crazy, fun, amazing facts, fact of life, fact of the day, and funny videos, video clips, funny pics, images, photos.

Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 10, 2016

An amazing world of Jupiter facts

Enjoy our wide range of animal facts and it’s the time for science facts via this amazing article 

1. Jupiter is the 5th planet from the Sun.

2. Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system, with a diameter of 142,984 kilometers.

3. Jupiter Planet is classed as a gas giant, as is Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

4. The Romans named the planet after Jupiter, King of the Gods in Ancient Roman mythology.

5. Jupiter Planet was discovered in 1610 by Galileo Galilei. Galileo also discovered four of the largest moons of Jupiter. These moons are aptly called the Galilean Moons in honor of his discover. The four moons discovered by Galileo were Callisto, Ganymede, Europa and Io. The largest moon of Jupiter, Ganymede, has a greater diameter than Mercury Planet.

6. From the Earth, Jupiter Planet is the third brightest object in the night sky, right after the Moon and Venus Planet.

7. Jupiter is so massive that its total mass is twice as much as the mass of all planets in the Solar System combined together. Jupiter Planet is capable of holding 1300 Earths in it. However, the mass of Jupiter is only 1 thousandths of the total mass of the Sun.

8. Jupiter atmosphere is composed of 10.2% helium, 89.8% molecular hydrogen, and trace amounts of ammonia hydrosulfide aerosols, water ice aerosols, water, ethane, hydrogen deuterite, ammonia, and methane.

9. Jupiter is the fastest spinning planet in the Solar System. This planet may complete a full rotation around its axis in just less than 10 hours. That’s amazing. It completes a rotation of the Sun every 11.86 years.

10. The core of Jupiter is massive and dense. Its composition is uncertain. Some scientists believe that it is made of rocks, metals, water ice, ammonia ice and methane ice. All we know is that this core is surrounded by a layer of helium-rich fluid metallic hydrogen and the whole thing is then wrapped up in an atmosphere that primarily consists of molecular hydrogen. Here is one of the most amazing facts on the planet we had known.

11. The mass of the core of Jupiter Planet is 10 times the mass of our Earth. The layer of fluid metallic hydrogen covering the core extends up to 90% of the diameter of the planet. 

12. If Jupiter had managed to grab 80 times more mass than its current mass, it would actually end up being a star instead of a planet.

13. Jupiter has 67 moons in total. Most of them are named after names of lovers of RomanGods. 

14. The average distance from Jupiter to the Sun is about 778 million kilometers, which is nearly 5.2 times the distance from the Earth to the Sun.

15. The Great Red Spot is probably the most remarkable feature of Jupiter Planet. In fact, it is a persistent storm similar to a hurricane on Earth. This storm has been visible for at least 300 years. It also changes its colors quite often, from brick red color to slight brown. 

16. Jupiter’s atmosphere is relatively similar to the Sun’s atmosphere, which mostly consists of helium and hydrogen.

17. The magnetic field of Jupiter is 20,000 times stronger to that of Earth’s magnetic field.

18. The white clouds of Jupiter are formed by frozen ammonia crystals while the dark clouds are the results of other chemicals found in the darker belts.

19. The gravity of Jupiter is 2.4 times higher than the Earth’s. So it means that a person weighing about 200 pounds on Earth will weigh up to 480 pounds on this planet. It's the real, not just jokes for fun.

20. Its atmosphere pressure is up to 1000 times greater than our Earth’s one, which means you can be easily crushed to death in this planet.

Thứ Hai, 24 tháng 10, 2016

Facts on junk foods that will amaze you

Let’s dive in our facts on junk foods that will amaze you

funny images on junk foods

1. Remember that don’t let the salad in a doner kebab fool you. By eating just one doner kebab, you are consuming almost double a woman’s recommended daily fat intake in one go and slightly more than a man’s recommended daily fat intake.

2. Strawberry Milkshake from a fast food chain contains more than 50 different chemicals. So instead, just make one for yourself at home, with only 2 ingredients…. strawberries and milk.

3. A single donut will meet your maximum allowance for trans fats for the whole day. But thefact is, no one eats just one donut.

4. Before deciding to go McDonalds or other similars, remember that TBHQ (E319) is a petroleum-based ingredient, similar to lighter fluid, used as a preservative in McDonalds French fries. It has been linked to asthma; skin conditions and studies have also shown also cancer.

5. You know, a single can of Coca Cola has 10 teaspoons of sugar in it. If you drink a can of Coca Cola every day for a month, this is equal to almost a whole bag of sugar. This sugar is not only bad for your teeth but your body turns it into fat shortly after you’ve consumed it.

6. Coca Cola can be used as an all-purpose cleaner because as well as the above, it has a high amount of citric acid in it. Let’s imagine and face what this can do to your insides

7. Not many of us aware of the truth that the increase of junk food is directly related to the increase in obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, certain cancers, tooth decay, andother diseases.

8. If you’re looking for someone or something to blame for the junk food culture that exists today then blame your television. It’s a proven fact that nearly 80 percent of all food commercials that air on Saturday morning children shows are for junk food.

9. Raking in $23 billion annually, the United States’ candy market is the global leader in junkfood sales. Surprisingly, candy sales have continued to increase despite concerns over junk food and obesity.

10. More than $2 billion in candy is sold for Halloween, more than any other holiday in America. It makes Halloween become the unhealthiest and “fattest” holiday. 

Keep following factoflife to get more news, facts, joke of the day and much more

Thứ Sáu, 21 tháng 10, 2016

The existence of life after death, Yes or No?

The existence of life after death, Yes or No? This interesting science facts will be answered via this amazing article. Let's dive in!

The existence of life after death is a universal question. Job speaks for all of us by stating, “Man born of woman is of few days and full of trouble. He springs up like a flower and withers away; like a fleeting shadow, he does not endure....If a man dies, will he live again?” (Job 14:1-2, 14). Like Job, all of us have been challenged by this question. Exactly what happens to us after we die? Do we simply cease to exist? Is life a revolving door of departing and returning to earth in order to eventually achieve personal greatness? Does everyone go to the same place, or do we go to different places? Is there really a heaven and hell?

The Bible tells us that there is not only life after death, but eternal life so glorious that “no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him” (1 Corinthians 2:9). Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, came to the earth to give us this gift of eternal life. “But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5). Jesus took on the punishment that all of us deserve and sacrificed His life to pay the penalty for our sin. Three days later, He proved Himself victorious over death by rising from the grave. He remained on the earth for forty days and was witnessed by hundreds before ascending to heaven. Romans 4:25says, “He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.”

The resurrection of the Christ is a well-documented event. The apostle Paul challenged people to question eyewitnesses for its validity, and no one was able to contest its truth. The resurrection is the cornerstone of the Christian faith. Because Christ was raised from the dead, we can have faith that we, too, will be resurrected. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the ultimate proof of life after death. Christ was only the first of a great harvest of those who will be raised to life again. Physical death came through one man, Adam, to whom we are all related. But all who have been adopted into God's family through faith in Jesus Christ will be given new life (1 Corinthians 15:20-22). Just as God raised up Jesus' body, so will our bodies be resurrected upon Jesus' return (1 Corinthians 6:14).

Image result for life after death
funny pics for afterlife

Although we will all be eventually resurrected, not everyone will go to heaven. A choice must be made by each person in this life, and this choice will determine one’s eternal destination. The Bible says that it is appointed for us to die only once, and after that will come judgment (Hebrews 9:27). Those who have been made righteous by faith in Christ will go into eternal life in heaven, but those who reject Christ as Savior will be sent to eternal punishment in hell (Matthew 25:46). Hell, like heaven, is not simply a state of existence, but a literal place. It is a place where the unrighteous will experience never-ending, eternal wrath from God. Hell is described as a bottomless pit (Luke 8:31; Revelation 9:1) and a lake of fire, burning with sulfur, where the inhabitants will be tormented day and night forever and ever (Revelation 20:10). In hell, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, indicating intense grief and anger (Matthew 13:42).

There are weird facts that God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but desires them to turn from their wicked ways so that they can live (Ezekiel 33:11). But He will not force us into submission; if we choose to reject Him, He accepts our decision to live eternally apart from Him. Life on earth is a test, a preparation for what is to come. For believers, life after death is eternal life in heaven with God. For unbelievers, life after death is eternity in the lake of fire. How can we receive eternal life after death and avoid an eternity in the lake of fire? There is only one way—through faith and trust in Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die...” (John 11:25-26).

The free gift of eternal life is available to all. “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on him” (John 3:36). We will not be given the opportunity to accept God’s gift of salvation after death. Our eternal destination is determined in our earthly lifetimes by our reception or rejection of Jesus Christ. “I tell you, now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2). If we trust the death of Jesus Christ as the full payment for our sin against God, we are guaranteed not only a meaningful life on earth, but also eternal life after death, in the glorious presence of Christ.

Thứ Năm, 6 tháng 10, 2016

Funny text messages or jokes sms

In this article, we will show you a collection of funny text messages or jokes sms. They are a great source of entertainment. Some are the fail of autocorrect, some are on our own brains. (Source: factoflife)








Thứ Ba, 13 tháng 9, 2016

Tigers are hunted

Reading and enjoying these following facts about fact: Tigers are hunted

For more facts: tiger facts for kids
Tigers are killed for body parts used in traditional medicines. The biggest threat facing Amur tigers is habitat loss due to logging. As they lose habitat, they lose prey, which means they sometimes turn to domestic livestock for food. This makes them unpopular with ranchers, who may shoot them as pests.

And tigers are killed for other reasons: they're hunted for their meat and skins as well as their bones, which are used in traditional Chinese medicine. Poaching of tigers has become an increasing problem in recent years, and it's taking a heavy toll on these mighty cats.

Most Siberian tigers are killed for export to China. As a member of CITES, the People's Republic of China (PRC) is (allegedly) committed to stopping the illegal trade of animals, such as tigers, and consequently the decline of their population. However, tiger products are in evidence in China. The State Council of the PRC however reported that existing stockpiles of tiger derivatives in China were obtained before China joined CITES.

Tigers are falling prey to unscrupulous hunters who are indiscriminately killing them for measly amounts on the behest of bigger fishes. The sad part is the protectors of tigers have become hand in glove with the poachers in killing one of the magnificent creations of GOD. The main reason behind killing the magnificent beast is two folds. The first being feeding the insatiable hunger of especially the Chinese in supplying tiger body parts for so called medicinal purpose. They are supposed to produce medicinal products out of the tigers.

The second part is many a degenerated souls put up a cowardly act of putting on tiger skin adorned garments to pump up their ego. In India many tigers have been poached to satisfy the Tibetans who wear them as traditional dresses. Recently His holiness the Dalai Lama has issued a decree against it. You may be shocked to know that recently in India one national tiger reserve (Sireska) was found to be devoid of tigers as all had been poached. To cut short at this rate of tiger culling our next generation may not be able to look at tigers in real life but in photos only. As some one said the tiger is hemorrhaging, unless we get up & do something positive about it it may be gone for ever.
Also see elephant facts

Image result for why tigers are hunted

They are only being killed illegally, Tigers are a protected species, and it is illegal to import any part of them into the UK, however, we in the UK have no say in what goes on in other countries, the ban is world wide and introduced by the UN but there are many curative properties attributed, but not correctly, to products from Tigers and other strong animals such as Lion and Bear. Many primitive cultures, and others not so primitive, believe that eating part of a tiger would mean the person absorbs some of its strength and courage.

Some people feel the fur is an exotic type of clothing. Or a fancy rug. What they don't realize is that they wouldn't be very happy if some animal used a person's skin in the same way (sorry if that's a bit graphic). This makes me especially sad, because I work with tigers, and they're my favorite animal.
Read more  animal facts

Chủ Nhật, 4 tháng 9, 2016

Vitamin C and its function

Vitamin C and its function: Vitamin C plays an effective role in the protection against immune system insufficiencies, prenatal health problems, heart disease, skin wrinkling and eye disease...

Why Do We Need Vitamin C?

Image result for why vitamin c are important

There are several advantages of vitamins C and some of them are as follows:
Vitamin C plays an effective role in the protection against immune system insufficiencies, prenatal health problems, heart disease, skin wrinkling and eye disease.
Vitamin C benefits in arrangement as well as reparation of red blood cells, tissues and bones.
It also supports gum to stay fit and build up your blood vessels, and reducing tight spots.
Vitamin C helps in wound healing, enhance the immune system, and keep infections away from the body.
It is also responsible for the absorption of iron from the different food sources.

What if I take high dose of Vitamin C

On the other hand, high doses of these can result into;

Symptoms of vitamin C Deficiency
  • Easy bruising. Nosebleeds.
  • Splitting hair.
  • Poor healing of wounds.
  • Dry skin, tiredness and weakness.
  • Spontaneous bleeding in gums.
  • Tooth loss and weight loss.
  • Muscle and joint pains.
  • Problems fighting infections.
  • Swelling and discolouration of the gums
  • Spots that look like tiny, red-blue bruises on the skin.

If these signs are observed, then it is very necessary to involve brightly coloured fruits as well as vegetables that are rich in vitamin C in your diet.

One should include minimum required vitamin C in their diet. Always make sure you are not taking excess of vitamin C, it can be harmful.

Other awesome news: single malt scotch

Thứ Tư, 31 tháng 8, 2016

Why are giraffes so tall?

Reading and enjoying these following facts about why are giraffes and baby giraffe get so long neck

Around 15 million years ago, antelope-like animals were roaming the dry grasslands of Africa. There was nothing very special about them, but some of their necks were a bit long.

Within a mere 6 million years, they had evolved into animals that looked like modern giraffes, though the modern species only turned up around 1 million years ago. The tallest living land animal, a giraffe stands between 4.5 and 5 metres tall – and almost half that height is neck.

Most people assume that giraffes’ long necks evolved to help them feed. If you have a long neck, runs the argument, you can eat leaves on tall trees that your rivals can’t reach. But there is another possibility. The prodigious necks may have little to do with food, and everything to do with sex.

The evidence supporting the high-feeding theory is surprisingly weak. Giraffes in South Africa do spend a lot of time browsing for food high up in trees, but elsewhere in Africa they don’t seem to bother, even when food is scarce.
Girls like them long

Giraffes’ necks are long, but there have been longer ones. Sauropod dinosaurs trump them easily: the dinosaur Mamenchisaurus, for instance, had a neck over 9 metres long, four times the longest of giraffe necks.

Long necks come at a cost. Because a giraffe’s brain is around 2 metres above its heart, the heart has to be big and powerful. In fact, for the blood to reach the brain it has to be pumped at the highest pressure of any animal. So there must be a big payback to keep giraffes’ necks so long.

The latest theory – and it’s a surprise this hasn’t come up before, given biologists’ fixation with it – is that the long necks are the result of sexual selection: that is, they evolved in males as a way of competing for females.

Kết quả hình ảnh cho Why are giraffes so tall?

Male giraffes fight for females by “necking”. They stand side by side and swing the backs of their heads into each others’ ribs and legs. To help with this, their skulls are unusually thick and they have horn-like growths called ossicones on the tops of their heads. Their heads, in short, are battering rams, and are quite capable of breaking their opponents’ bones.

Having a long and powerful neck would be an advantage in these duels, and it’s been found that males with long necks tend to win, and also that females prefer them.

The “necks for sex” idea also helps explain why giraffes have extended their necks so much more than their legs. If giraffes evolved to reach higher branches, we might expect their legs to have lengthened as fast as their necks, but they haven’t.
Also see elephant facts

Neck and neck

The problem for the sex idea is that it implies that female giraffes shouldn’t have long necks, and they plainly do. Sexual selection often drives males to develop spectacular attributes – think peacocks’ tails or the feathers of birds of paradise – to impress females, but the females remain relatively dowdy.

A study last year by Graham Mitchell of the University of Pretoria in South Africa and colleagues apparently delivered a knock-down blow to the “necks for sex” theory. Mitchell’s team showed that, in Zimbabwe at least, males and females had necks that were almost exactly the same length, and that if anything the females’ necks were longer. This led many people to write off the whole sex idea.

However, Rob Simmons and Res Altwegg of the University of Cape Town, also in South Africa, have taken a second look at Mitchell’s results and are not convinced. They say the figures do show that males have proportionally longer necks, and that “Mitchell et al. appear to have misinterpreted this result”.

Kết quả hình ảnh cho Why are giraffes so tall?

They point to a study in Namibia which found that males consistently had heavier necks than females with the same body mass, and that only the males’ necks kept growing throughout their lives. Males’ heads were also heavier than females’, which is what you would expect if they were being selected for their ability to fight.

Simmons and Altwegg suggest that giraffes’ necks may have begun growing as a way of eating hard-to-reach food, but that they were then “hijacked” for mating purposes. Once the necks had reached a certain length, males could use them for necking and clubbing – and at that point sexual selection took over, driving the necks to their current extreme lengths.

Peacocks and birds of paradise aside, there are many birds of which the male seems to have developed colourful plumage as a result of sexual selection, but the females are also brightly coloured. Perhaps the sexual selection explanation for long necks in giraffes isn’t dead after all.

You might be like to see interesting animal facts

Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 8, 2016

Vitamin C helps reduce anxiety among diabetics

It's the fact that vitamin c helps reduce anxiety among diabetics. Let's see how

Kết quả hình ảnh cho vitamin c helps reduce stress

But this effect upon moods has also been found among diabetics, as another study found that the antioxidant vitamin C can significantly reduce stress and anxiety among type 2 diabetic patients.

The research divided 45 diabetes mellitus patients into three groups. For six weeks, they gave one group 1,000 milligrams per day of vitamin C, and another 400 IU per day of vitamin E. They gave the third group a placebo. The researchers used a 21-question test called the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale before and after the treatment period.

After the six weeks, those patients taking the vitamin C experienced a significant reduction in anxiety levels. The other two groups experienced no difference in anxiety.

Yes, patients with diabetes mellitus often suffer from anxiety, depression and stress. This was theorized as diabetes producing greater oxidative stress within the cells and tissues, which impacts brain cells and the production of mood neurotransmitters.

Would you like to see single malt scotch?

Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 8, 2016

Tigers can climb trees

Don't you know why and when do tigers climb trees? Just keep reading to know more about this tigers facts

Although able to climb trees, tigers rarely climb trees; they can easily reach 500 pounds, which is far too heavy for efficient climbing. Tiger cubs have been seen going up and down trees for fun, but they do so less as they grow larger. 
Mostly, tigers avoid climbing trees because they don't always know how to get down, which leads to very awkward situations.


Kết quả hình ảnh cho does tiger climb tree

Tiger cubs willingly climb trees for about the first sixteen months of life and young tigers have been sighted following langur monkeys up into the trees in an effort to secure a feed. But after this age their increasing weight makes both ascent and descent difficult, and few tree branches have the needed strength to hold their weight.
Also see elephant facts


Adults seldom climb, but are quite capable of doing so; they may do this if being chased by dogs or when after prey. There have been occasions of men climbing trees to escape an attacking tiger, only to be killed when the tiger followed them up. 
This does not mean tigers are willing or efficient climbers. On the contrary, they are not. The white Bengal and Amur tigers shown here are doing something quite unusual for tigers of their age.