Thứ Tư, 10 tháng 8, 2016

Facts of life, of everything

There are so many facts of life that human are unable to know all of them, and here is some:

If you shuffle a pack of cards properly, chances are that exact order has never been seen before in the whole history of the universe.

Adults have fewer bones than a baby.

Humans can’t breathe and swallow at the same time.

There are about 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms in a human body.

There are about 86 billion neurons in an average human brain.

Every atom in your body is billions of years old.

There’s a type of mollusc called a chiton that can make its own magnetic teeth.

Bees sense a flower’s electric field and use it to find pollen.

Beaked whales can hold their breath for over two hours.

Mantis shrimp can punch at 80 kilometres per hour.

The universe might be a hologram.

There’s a gas cloud in the constellation of Aquila that contains enough alcohol to make 400 trillion trillion pints of beer.

Looking at stars is basically looking into the past, because of how long it takes the light from them to reach us.

Dung beetles can use the Milky Way to navigate.

The Milky Way has four spiral arms, not two.

If you cry in space the tears just stick to your face.

During the ice age, 32,000 years ago, a squirrel buried a seed. Now the seed has been used to grow a flower.

We’ve found over a thousand planets outside our solar system just in the last 20 years.

There’s a planet where it rains glass, sideways.

Life expectancy has doubled over the last 150 years.

Atoms are mostly empty space.

If you removed all the empty space from the atoms that make up all the humans on Earth, the remaining mass could fit inside a sugar cube.

In the history of the Earth, we’re closer to Tyrannosaurus rex than T. rex is to stegosaurus.

Birds are dinosaurs.

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